Thanks for the input Paul, believe me it isn't laziness that led me to the current logo. I went through many, many ideas through sketchboards, the lot
Just to clarify, I wasn't implying that you were lazy, just that people claiming "their's nothing original" are. Don't listen to them because they're defeatists.
Being original and looking different are not the same thing. Two things can look or work in similar ways, but still be original in some other way. Netflix for example, allows people to pay a subscription to watch TV shows and films. Nothing original there. Sky, Virgin, etc have been doing that for years. Yet Netflix differs by allowing customers to opt-in and out of the contract at any time, producing and showing original, high quality content without adverts or interruptions, across devices, all for a ridiculously low price. No install fees, no set-up costs, no waiting in for visits from engineers.
The cable and satellite providers can't compete with that, and as such Netflix is actually revolutionising the way consumers watch TV and films. They still effectively do the same thing as the cable and satellite providers, but they're doing it in an original way, which is why it's so revolutionary.
My previous logo was one similar to yours, I think I had Bebas Neue as my logo font.
Check out the logo in context –
COSMOS | Website Design & Development Manchester. It should be animating, though I haven't check across-browsers so you might see something completely different!
It's not a particularly amazing or 'original' design by any stretch of the imagination, it looks ok on paper and certainly works as a logo, but isn't particularly ground-breaking. I struggled with coming up for something for so long, and it wasn't until I realised I was now able to animate a logo that I realised there was a whole new door opened up for branding opportunities.
Now when I'm designing identities for others, I always try to at least think about how it can animate or be used as an animation (like that loading icon example) to reinforce the brand and inject some originality into. Not everything has to animate, but it's worth future-proofing your designs as much as you can.