My first finished website - critique welcomed!


New Member
Come and have a snoop on my website - critique welcomed!

Well, this is a baptism of fire! You have to take into account this is my first website and I have been teaching myself everything as I go along.

I know that frames are the devil's work really and I'm going to try and wean myself off of them for future projects!

Let me know your thoughts on this one if you have a spare minute, all comments are welcome...

andrea donovan


Blondie :icon_smile:
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i actually quite like it Blondie, it has a nice feel to it :)

Only thing is, it's made from tables and images don't have the "alt" attribute, so google will have more trouble finding relevancy in your site than usual (regarding tables), and it'll also be highly inaccessible (regarding "alt" tags).

The only visual thing I'd change is on the main pages on your navigation rollover. I'm not such a fan of the purple gradient. My advice would be to keep a gradient, but not necessarily of those colours.

There's a lot of coding work to be done, but nothing that's not worth doing.

Altogether this is pretty damn good for your first site, just a feel niggles I'd change, but every site has problems :)
Thank you for your feedback - it's a good job you mentioned the alt tags as these were something I was going to go back and edit but completely forgot!

I am going to try not to use tables on the next one, I'm just trying to learn all the coding at the moment so I can visualise as I go along.

With the gradient, is it just that you don't like the purple colour? The pink is the key element to the page (her request was a pink and girly nature) so I thought the natural progression for a rollover would be a darker hue ie purple. Your ideas on this would be great!

Thanks for taking the time out to look and review though - extremely helpful :)