Moving house so time for new stationery.


Well-Known Member
We're moving house in a few weeks so will need new stationery but I'm not sure what to do. Should I update the details on the existing designs, freshen up the designs a bit or go for a completely new design? Any opinions?
If you plan to completely overhaul your stationary, would that not involve totally rebranding yourself? Unless of course your completely new stationary still worked with your old branding.

I'd probably go for a complete change, brand and all. New home, new office, new bleedink!
Depends how pleased you are with what you have at present, I suppose, although I personally am not a fan of the frequency with which a lot of designers overhaul their own materials; I understand it's hard to settle when your stock-in-trade is coming up with new and original stuff but surely a good designer creates stuff that can stand the test of time, right?
I might just give the existing stuff a facelift.. maybe a Spot UV?...

Alternatively I could just do what I've seen so many times and cross out the old landline number with a biro?.. :)