Logo Opinions

Pixels Ink

I've put together a logo for a client who has built some apartments in Cyprus. He is targeting Scottish families.

Budget is, shall we say, minimal as this is a side project to his main business :)

Only brief was it had to have a Scottish theme (preferably a thistle).

Thoughts appreciated:

Really like that mate. Simple and the colours work really well.

What fonts have you used there - really like style of the St Andrews Font and like the second font to (i'm crap at identifying fonts lol)
Nice colours and very clever incorporation of the thistle, part of the "A" looks like a leaf on the stem, very nice :icon_thumbup:
Nice colours and very clever incorporation of the thistle, part of the "A" looks like a leaf on the stem, very nice :icon_thumbup:

Cheers mate, that was the plan. I've had the idea for that for a long time, just not had the project to use it with so this was an ideal opportunity to try it out.
Very nice that PI, good use of colour and fits the bill the client was after :). Nice fonts too.

The only thing I'd say could be a possible drawback is that I didn't know what the thistle was, but you don't always have to be obvious with logo's. I'm sure some saw it was a thistle, probably just me.

Again, nice logo, good job.
Excellent PI, the colours, fonts, thistle all works together brilliantly.

The only thing I'd say could be a possible drawback is that I didn't know what the thistle was

Being from below the border, we'll forgive you this time Xenonsoft :icon_tongue_smilie: