Logo/Identity Design advice


Recently got hired to design a logo for a new business 'Bella Vista - remodelling & investments'
the name is quite long and can long awkward (im not a fan of a lot of text within a logo design but hey ho!)

Anyways... this is the outcome i've got... clearly still torn with colour ways.

Anyways, the client isn't very keen on the typeface, eventhough its super close to what he wanted without me completely ripping it off. i've sent him other options but to me, this works better than any other option we've put out so far. The slight curves on the edges seem to work better with the icon itself....

any suggestions?
I've got to run so I'll keep this short and blunt :p

Vista looks like "Uista" in that face. Also, I'm not sure what the actual logo mark is supposed to represent. It looks like two stylised Bs?
I agree with the V/U going to try and work with that in illustrator some how.

Yes, its B's but the over all shape is supposed to resemble a 'V'. Trying to represent shape and structure but the client doesnt want anything 'sharp'
I got the B/V idea after a short delay but I'm afraid there's no escaping the fact that what you've got is two Bs making a V, which isn't really what's intended.
Unfortunately i don't think the logo works at all, so far. All upper case, shapes all the same thickness, it's quite hard to read and doesn't really say what the business is about. Using different colours for the two words is possibly helping, but having the two 'As' sat on top of each other at the end, just makes the logo look wrong.