Logo help!

Woah thanks a lot, actually I was looking for free I just assumed this was like a forum for graphic designers to chat and mess around with graphics i didn't realise it was just professionals looking for work, doesn't mean I wouldn't pay in future it's just I'm broke right now iv'e put everything i got into the band, so thanks a lot for doing these designs for me ill definitely be using them. thanksssss :):icon_smile:

Fair enough. I retract my defence.
Woah thanks a lot, actually I was looking for free I just assumed this was like a forum for graphic designers to chat and mess around with graphics i didn't realise it was just professionals looking for work, doesn't mean I wouldn't pay in future it's just I'm broke right now iv'e put everything i got into the band, so thanks a lot for doing these designs for me ill definitely be using them. thanksssss :):icon_smile:

Your welcome. So when do I get my free cd lol
LOL ... that's all I can say ... brilliant ...

Us designers do all have something in common ... our subtle, humorous ways of dealing with such projects