Hi all, first just want to say thank you for all your feedback when I was making the logos, it helps opening my minds a lot!
I am still working on my logo for my personal brand and decided to stay away from symbols. I had a few ideas would love your feedback.
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Name: TC Creative or TC Designs (TC is my name)
Idea 1: Design is problem solving, similar like math, so I want to incorporate some of that concept into it. tc2 = tcc = TCCreative. People could see my name easily, and I explained the meaning of what does TCC stand for below. My concern is when you look at this would you think it's a formula or TC-Two? This is the idea that I would love to do most.
Idea 2: TCD stands for TC Designs and also my last name initial (D). I could definitely use this to do logo animation that could introduce myself and service at the same time.
Idea 3: just simple TC and TC Creative or TC Designs below.
What do you guys think?
Thanks in advance.