This is my second attempt with regards to Any opinions please?
Get your pencil and paper out - start doodling, get a feel for the company you're trying to portray, do 100s and 100s of little sketches, whittle them down, push them further and further. Keep on doing that until you think you've got the one you like, and then push it further again. You may come back to the one you thought you liked anyway, or you may find that something else develops. Then, and only then, should you take it onto the computer.
Do not start a design sat at the computer using a typeface that's ready made. It's restrictive. The design you come up with may require an entirely new typeface which you may have to do yourself.
It looks to me like you're doing this sat at a computer. Don't!
I agree with everyone elses comments, harsh but true :icon_hide: