Hmm, I have an idea for you Curtis, to me only looking at what your showing us here without any other explanations of trying out stuff or exhausting other avenues is to not use the computer at this stage.
For me I have processes I go through to arrive at the end (or close to) kind of thing and I normally research, sketch, throw ideas, look at alternate ways or how it could be interpreted all before I show anything and I've normally done this at least 2-5 times already before arriving at something I'm happy with.
This means I have already arrived pretty much at my destination. Showing things to others without giving that kind of background normally ends up with "oh why didnt you try and do it this way" or "did you look at x,y,z ways of doing it". That's all well and good but you can bet I've already been down that route already myself before asking others. So it's important you give some background as to how you have arrived at your destination or close to.
I would say switch off the computer and go back to the sketch pad and draw some more until your happy with some ideas, then and only when you have a few concrete ideas get on the computer. Doing your own logo is harder than doing one for any other business which is not yours, we are our own worst critics.
Probably not the answer you were looking for but still 100% important.