Logo Concept For £50 in Return For Charity Donation


This offer is for today only - the first ten people who donate £50 to this very honourable cause, will receive one high quality logo design concept for their business.

(http://www.justgiving.com/acebananas/) - the cause

If happy with your design (you are allowed unlimited revisions to your concept), you will receive all print (vector and high resolution) and web files necessary for professional use of your logo design in a variety of situations such as stationery, marketing, promotional materials and more.

You can see the standard of design on offer here >>

And testimonials of character/customer service here >>
(These are 104 Ecademy testimonials, and many of them customers, so you know I won't do a runner with your money and not cough up the design work for it!)

You can also find testimonials on the portfolio website from clients.

Simply donate today, and then send me an email telling me about your business so that I can start work on a design for you.

This offer is also open to designers who need a hand with their workload ... just think a high quality logo concept to present to your client (one concept) for only £50 and a warm fuzzy feeling inside that you aren't going to struggle with your design deadline - PLUS you donated a nice whopping chunk to charity at the same time.

Thanks for your support
