is it just me, or is everyone rebranding at the moment?


Perhaps I'm just becoming more aware of branding nowadays, but it seems to me that SO many folk are rebranding at the moment... ITV (just my opinion, but i don't know why they bothered - it looks awful, like a play school sign) Brinkleys, Monsoon, Scope, Clintons, my local council, Crew Clothing had one at the beginning of this year - to name just a couple that I noticed walking down the street yesterday... what's going on? is this normal? Do these things tend to happen in cycles like hair moulting every X years? I understand Clintons has been well overdue for a facelift and in dire straits so needing to pull in more customers, but the rest of them seem like they cant be left out of the party. Maybe I'm just unobservant and have been walking around with blinkers on for years.
I think a lot of major brands are very close to shutting down because of the recession, and unfortunately, most CEO's believe that a quick re-brand and new logo is much better for a struggling business than trying to root out why they have lost so much money in the first place. On the flip side it's great for designers to get some work!
It wouldn't surprise me that the reason most companies rebrand is because of bad reputation. Take Yodel for example, can't remember what they used to be called.

But a negative always produces a positive :)
why? have they changed it back?

No - just a snide comment on ITVs output/apparent disinterest in appealing to grown-ups.

As a logo, though, I do think there's something quite pleasing about it (and ITVs branding has been off the pace for years).
Love the ITV new branding. Its awesome. The transparency layers are lush and the styling is very now. Just my 2 cents
Personally i do like the itv rebrand works well and has brough them into an new era, but how long will it last before i becomes tired.
It took a while to grow on me too, but often the best brands/rebrands do. Take the 2012 olympics logo for example... oh listen, there goes the sound of a can of worms flying open... *pop* :icon_biggrin:
Yes, I think its necessary to rebrand now. We have to provide something different from other in order to stay along with competitors. So it is much necessary to do rebranding.
Rebranding can be good for business, as they say its all about your brand. I do like the ITV logo.
We have been non stop with people wanting to re brand. We find that a lot of smaller businesses are really aware of how a strong brand can work for them.