Is Corel good enough for professional design?


I'm considering purchasing Corels new 'creative suite' and learning it, simply because its more affordable and I can't afford the Adobe version, and don't want to use pirate (which I could easily get hold of). My only problem with this is that I can't use it on a Mac, and so I'd have to buy a PC!

Most people always say that I can't use Corel for professional design, but why not?
I know Adobe is 'industry standard' and I was taught to use it at college, but they sure don't make it easy for people to buy!

I want to create things like identities, print design and packaging. Is Corel upto the job here or is it really as 'bad' as people make out?

Do any professional designers on here use this software, that can vouch for it?

I know lots of freelance designers who still use Corel and as far as I am aware it produces all the files they need, however, if you choose to use/learn Corel and ignore Adobe then you will struggle should you want to get a job in a design studio as Adobe is the industry standard...and does loads more e.g. InDesign etc.
Thanks for swift reply.

I guess I could use a *cough, cough* copy of Adobe to keep my skills up, but have a full copy of Corel to be legal.

I know I could also create the work on Adobes and make out it was created on Corels if legal issues arose, but I just wouldn't feel right using *cough* software for paid for work!

You're quite right about jobs requiring Adobe skills. I wouldn't abandon it altogether, but its just too expensive.
Adobe every time. Printers will hate you for using Corel. And you'll end up having to learn Adobe anyway because it does a LOT more.

If you really want to run Corel, you could run it on windows on a Mac.
I bit the bullet and bought CS5 - not regretting it for a minute.

To be honest the last time I heard of Corel was over 10 years ago but then I’m maybe a tad out of touch.
Thanks guys.

Thats pretty much the feeling I get from elsewhere. I can use Adobes software pretty fluently, it's only the price-tag that has been putting me off to be honest. I've looked into purchasing older copies of the creative suite (i.e. CS2-3), and I can't find many for sale that are unused.

I know they're older but surely somewhere stocks the boxed version. Is anyone aware that I could get hold of CS2-3 or are they complete history now? When I do think I've found something, it turns out to be a book or tutorial DVD or the like.

Sorry to nag...Please ignore the question I asked as I've just found a couple of places I can get CS4 within my budget. Will try and contact them ASAP! Getting excited now! Thanks
Thanks for that Eagle! Your work is really good :icon_smile:

I guess that goes to show that all this software/computer snobbery is daft and they're only tools for output! How do you find things like file output/sharing files/features etc? I mean, judging by your work, you have everything you need :icon_biggrin: Do you know of any good Corel tutorials/blogs etc?

RE: The software I thought I'd found in my budget, turns out the entire is a scam: Platosoftware. Thought it was too good to be true! Looks like I may end up using Inkscape/GIMP :icon_cursing:

Thanks peeps
Cheers. :)

Corel has the best set-up for file compatibility - it can import most file formats and output to most, too. As far as output goes, I wouldn't trust any application to output to another format with 100% accuracy/compatibility but native file formats are rarely required anyway (in my line of work at least). In all that time, I've never once received reports of issues.

As far as usability's concerned, if you're well-used to Illustrator and PS then the learning curve will be near vertical but I have to say that CorelDRAW's vector node editing tools outclass Illy's by light years.

The Mac/Adobe thing is indeed just "design industry" snobbery - although they are of course good tools in themselves. Most apps are. It's as you say; 'how you use them'. :)
Cool beans.

Well, it's worth giving a try anyway...most reviews seem pretty good too.

I was told by a local printer that as long as I can send artwork in PDF than there's no problem. As someone who'd be working solo or in a pair, I can't imagine there being a problem with files's just nice to know the capabilities are there. Besides, if I found it a pain to use, I could always 'revert' back to Adobe.
The more reasonable price-tag is worth the punt I'd say. If the worst comes to the worst, I guess I'll just end up with both Adobe and Corel on my desktop! :icon_eek:

Just thought I'd post back :D

I downloaded the x5 (Corel) graphics suite and have been pleasantly surprised! :icon_thumbup:

Coreldraw is well easy to use/learn and I'm getting there with Photo-Paint, though it's slightly more basic. I gave myself a couple of mini projects to do in each, and there really is no difference to the design...It also seems to save files in lots of different formats with no prob and I could open it in Illy...very pleased I must say and I think I may just part with some cash soon...:icon_wink:

I think a lot of people are just followers & slate Corel/other software when they've not even tried them. Saying that, I'll still keep upto date with Adobe via trials etc, simply for the sake of CV. :icon_sneaky:

Anyway, I'll stop nagging now :icon_rolleyes: