My partner and I have decided to get our motorsports company off the ground. We initially started with the name and then developed the "RM>" road-sign logo element you see on the left and then proceeded to try to find a matching typeface/font design that we liked. Well after a couple months of trying, we eventually had moved so far away from the inital design and even the "RM>" element had been modified so much we felt lost. I came up with the design you see below by going back to our original design that we liked and found a font that I was able to modify (by adding the underline) that I felt represented the brand well. Please view all the versions below and comment on anything you feel. Also, please consider the left vs. right justification of the word "motorsports" and let me know your opinion.
Many thanks for any and all feedback. Much appreciated.
Many thanks for any and all feedback. Much appreciated.