I Think My Website is Finally Finished (C&C?)

Adding to the above, I might make the rest of the text slightly darker too, as well as the links slightly lighter. Hurts my eyes a bit reading the grey on grey.
Reckon you could grab me a screenshot of my site on your machine?
Here, the 2 greys are nicely defined...haha. :)
I personally think the body copy is way too long (in terms of width). It doesn't make the landing page seem like an actual landing page. Can you put that text into columns that match your thumbnails, then maybe add a slideshow of projects or something under the blurb to add a bit of visual interest?
Cheers. Nah, I've got a darkish grey on there now. Jesus, it's loads darker on your screen than mine, on mine, I can barely tell any difference.

@Paul, a slideshow under the blurb? I've got the thumbnails there....maybe a slideshow would be too much?
You certainly are connected socially!

I like it. One thing is bugging me though. There's something unnatural about your body text. I can't work out if the leading is too big, or the spaces in between each word? Perhaps it's a little of both.
I don't want to be that socially connected, I don't think. But, I like all of the sites there and I guess they're must haves? Not sure though.

I think it's the leading with the body text. I'll have a go at adjusting it and see how we get on.
Yea there's definitely something strange going on with the leading. Think that will make the world of difference. Like self-branding, designing ones own website is just as painful. I need to do that again soon, getting bored of mine!
@Paul, a slideshow under the blurb? I've got the thumbnails there....maybe a slideshow would be too much?

I meant beneath "Canny Creative is a Graphic Design & Web Design agency based in Newcastle Upon Tyne, England.", in place of the body copy that's there now. It looks too wordy for a portfolio/landing page as it is.
get rid of the roleover icon text at the top of the nav bar

layout is simple and clean which it good. the blue is a little bit too dark tho.