Hi guys! Hoping someone on here might be able to point me in the right direction.
I have recently had my appraisal at work (went excellently btw!), and I have asked to do some HTML training. Basically, I can design websites, but at the moment I haven't a hope in hell of coding my designs up, complete newbie, not even attempted it, and I was wondering if any of you know of any courses out there that may be a good starting point for me? Yes I could begin by going online and doing tutorials etc. but work are offering to pay for me to go spend a few days out the office and get started on this kind of thing, so I think I'll take them up on that offer :icon_biggrin:
Preferably something that just covers the basics of html, not Dreamweaver, I want to be straight into coding and know how it all works, not have something do half the work for me. Something based in North West would be ace but can travel if needs be.
I have recently had my appraisal at work (went excellently btw!), and I have asked to do some HTML training. Basically, I can design websites, but at the moment I haven't a hope in hell of coding my designs up, complete newbie, not even attempted it, and I was wondering if any of you know of any courses out there that may be a good starting point for me? Yes I could begin by going online and doing tutorials etc. but work are offering to pay for me to go spend a few days out the office and get started on this kind of thing, so I think I'll take them up on that offer :icon_biggrin:
Preferably something that just covers the basics of html, not Dreamweaver, I want to be straight into coding and know how it all works, not have something do half the work for me. Something based in North West would be ace but can travel if needs be.