How to clean my keyboard?


Well-Known Member
My 'old' keyboard (white) is getting very dirty. Has anyone found a really good way to clean them?

Silly topic - but it's beginning to annoy me!
Just go at it with water, cif, polish, anything really. Just make sure you let it dry out before plugging it back in!
You need to get yourself some cool white gloves going forward lol, mmm the iGlove...might be onto something here lol :icon_biggrin:
I have heard of a stuff like 'silly putty'... slap it on and peel off and all the grime comes out...but it could have been a dream.
You need to get yourself some cool white gloves going forward lol, mmm the iGlove...might be onto something here lol :icon_biggrin:

Brilliant, take it on the Dragons Den. :icon_thumbup:

Actually. I think it's already patented. By a certain Michael Jackson. He really was ahead of his time.

Seriously though, I just get a damp drying up cloth. Does the job perfectly.
At least I wasn't dreaming!

I'll try popping the keys off and giving it a damn good clean...and then see if I can get them back in the right order!
You're right Kate, thats what I use. But it is only good for crumbs and surface dirt. It won't get rid of the tough ones.

Cyber Clean Americas - The Home of The High Tech Cleaning Compound

Yup I've got a tub of that stuff, smells lemony fresh lovely, and makes funny fart noises when you stick your finger in the tub so that's always good for an office giggle. No good for getting rid of the stubborn marks though. Maybe we should all post pictures of how grubby our keyboards are, winner gets a tub :icon_tongue_smilie:
Damn! Took my keyboard home and popped all the keys off last weekend and cleaned the whole thing. Really easy - especially if you remember to take a photo of it beforehand so you don't get any of those keys that you rarely use back in the wrong place!!

I have another one to do though... and one of the newish flat ones and a couple of (rubbish) PC ones.