How do I come up with my own design project?


New Member
I havn't long finished University and I am currently at home while I am looking for a job. In the meantime I have been working on improving some of my older University projects - improving upon them and adding them to my website.

But I don't want to keep doing this, I am itching to create something new and exciting, but now I am not being handed assignments, I am discovering just how hard it is to come up with my own, self-directed project.

What strategies do you use to use to come up with your own design projects?
I find I have ideas for stuff whilst working on other projects which cause me to branch off an idea at a tangent. Or an idea for a project will pop into my head whilst out walking or when I'm watching a film. Rarely do I sit down and generate ideas for my own stuff because this doesn't work for me.

Occasionally I'll have an idea that I know no client would ever really want to pursue, so I'll keep it in the back of my mind and let it gestate over time before putting a creative idea into my portfolio. I do this often with book covers (check out my Fight Club book cover idea). This is something that no publisher would be too keen to pursue, or a stockist to sell, it's purely an idea to show that I do actually have them form time to time.

Every time you have a strange idea or a 'what if' moment, keep it in the back of your mind and see what you can come up with. These don't have to be incredibly deep projects, just a quick mock up of an idea to keep your ideas flowing is enough.
I find I have ideas for stuff whilst working on other projects which cause me to branch off an idea at a tangent...

This! :icon_biggrin:

I find when I'm reading up how to do something for a project, I'll stumble across something completely different that gets my interest and thats it!... off I go. lol