How a web design goes straight to hell...

Great stuff Mark, I saw this earlier today when another designer sent me the link, brilliant and true in some cases!
All so true, I love but I hadn't seen that one.

I've actually had a client reject a design and then create their own design in paint/publisher. We said over and over again that we didn't think it would work but he basically put his foot down and insisted we build it.

We built the site exactly to match what he had provided, launched it, he said he was really happy with it.

Then of course he shows it to some other people all of whom say how rubbish it is.

So naturally he refuses to pay. :icon_cursing:

Now we have a policy that we will produce a design, if the client doesn't like it then we will either tweak it or go in a different direction. But what we won't do is build something we don't think will work. It always comes back to bite you, best to walk away early on than end up with a client who won't pay.
That's brilliant, funny cos it's true hehe! You gotta know which battles to pick when creating your designs thats for sure!
This article couldn't have come into my life on a better day!! Thanks so much for sharing, I have now got perspective that I am actually no the only person these things happen to :icon_smile:
Although I don't do web design this applies to me, unfortunately everyday. After all these years in the business I still apparently know nothing. :icon_mad:
I have actually just finished a design which I had to battle like this. Awful.

It was for a pub / comedy club. They wanted things like beer glasses emptying and filling up, doors that you clicked on to go into other sections, and lots of fiddy Flash bits. Considering they were 'on a tight budget and deadline' they wanted a lot done.

Found out they had got all the ideas form Heston Blumenthal's Fat Duck site. Something tells me his budgets werent so tight!