

New Member
Hey I'm Emma and I have just settled into my BTEC Level 3 graphic design course and I am looking for any and every piece of advice you can give me on Graphic design. This could be what to expect, hints tips and secrets, what to avoid, best paths to follow or anything else you can think of that will help me on this Graphic Design adventure.

Anything you can think of would be greatly appreciated :D
Expect: people to try shaft you from very angle
Avoid: working for free
Tip1: don't lower your price to entice custom. When the price goes up, they'll fuck off and find another cheap job.
Tip2: consider your reputation before you do or say anything.
Hint: make friends with good printers.
Expect: people to try shaft you from very angle
Avoid: working for free
Tip1: don't lower your price to entice custom. When the price goes up, they'll fuck off and find another cheap job.
Tip2: consider your reputation before you do or say anything.
Hint: make friends with good printers.

Can't argue with this. Welcome to the forum.
Hi, Emma!

Welcome to the forum!

I can give you advice as i did the same course several yrs back!!, it will be hard a t first, the briefs are quite hard to understand at first but you'll settle in!

just enjoy it!! research as much as possible and annotate on every page, so your tutors can see where your going! and do lots of experiments, also keep thing's that didn't work out well!!
go for it and tackle those challenges!!

I achieved the full Distinction/Distinction/Distinction! so hard work does pay off.
Design untill you can't design anymore! make up fake clients and breifs and treat them as real clients to fill up your portfoilio and gain expereince. Its a great way of learning what your personal style is and how to use all the software packages you'll have.
I had good experience with briefs with my ICT BTEC in high school, and I have almost finished my first assignment with a flying start my tutor says my research is way into distinction and I'm waiting for the deadline to hear what mark it will be overall.
Thanks for the help it was very helpful :D