Having a bit of a Blank day. Need Opinions.


New Member
Hi!, Not having the greatest day for inspirational ideas :icon_confused:. Im a 1st year student and one of this semester's projects is to design a package that decribes myself as a designer. (Sounds exhilirating right? :thumb:) Well you see, im more of an illustrator/ packaging design so I've decided to do a pop art/ comic book package inspired by Ol' Roy Lichtenstein and Jack Kirby (Marvel Comic Illustrator).

My problem, you see, is that this package has to have a Brand and Icon like a typical Corporate Identity brief but i've just cannot come up with something any i'd consider worthy. Seeing as though I have to brand myself i've been trying to develop my name into something of a brand then trying to run that into an Icon, but as everyone knows, it's hard to design for yourself.

This is what i've produced so far:
My name is Scott Ian Corbishley by the way (essential info obviously)

- SIC Design
- SIC Illustration
- SCorb Designing
- Scott's Studio
- Top SCor Designs
- SC illustration
- Scott Ian

They're the few I believe to have something in them. But I feel they're all too literal and obvious.
Basically, I would love some opinions on the names/ brands and anyway I can work them into icons.

I would also look what .co.uk domains are available as that will narrow down your list, sicdesign is already taked for example.
I'd capitalise on your surname being unusual - it's the kind of name that could give you instant itegrity, given the right logo and branding.
I'd honestly stay clear of 'SIC' even though it's your initials. Any time I hear that word I cringe. Obviously I'm referring to the word 'sicc' meaning cool, amazing etc.. but even so. I'd stick to SC.
why not just Corbishley? Marvel's logo doesn't say Marvel Comics - Haymarket's logo doesn't say 'Haymarket Publishing House/Media Group'... the website is haymarket.com but the title of that is haymarket media group... Disney is universally known as Disney not 'Disney cartoons' and I don't know many people under 50 who refer to him as Walt Disney.... Corbishley... it's a good surname. Go with it :)
dunno why but it makes me think of a slogan like 'fiendishly good' - 'corbishley good'....perhaps a tad cheesy but that's literally the first thing that popped into my head when I saw your surname.