Graphic Designers, not Magicians


Thinking of doing a little infographic about the difference between graphic designers and magicians, cos apparently, some people don't know there is a difference....:icon_rolleyes:

What are some of the ridiculous requests you've had from people who think you must be able to work actual magic?!

Yesterday - make an image 20cm wide be 300dpi and 2metres wide.

That's just the beginning of course...
Haha, that's just going to be the trace tool in illustrator essentially, I bet. It's certainly not going to make a photo go as big as these folk wanted and still look like a photo.

A photo! Oh jeezus, fair enough!!

Also today - conjure up images we've never had taken of the installation of three different products.

Web designers get their fair share of 'mission impossible' too. Usually 'I want to be front page of Google... NOW!' oh, and they don't want to pay for it either.

In fact I did a site some time ago for a Bed & Breakfast in Clevedon. After a few days the owner came back and said 'I've been searching on these listings sites, how come our site isn't on there? What have you done wrong?' I nearly choked and had to explain three times why he wasn't going to appear on holiday/letting listings sites he hadn't paid to be on...
Some people are just...

In fact I did a site some time ago for a Bed & Breakfast in Clevedon. After a few days the owner came back and said 'I've been searching on these listings sites, how come our site isn't on there? What have you done wrong?' I nearly choked and had to explain three times why he wasn't going to appear on holiday/letting listings sites he hadn't paid to be on...

I know, last year I did a site. 2 weeks after the project finishing and customer being on holiday he rang me saying that you have taken the website off. Why have you done that? I quickly checked and found out that his hosting account had expired so they took of the website. I tried to explain it to him but he says 'You are the web designer, you sort it out'. Now how do you deal with that. I had to ring the domain hosting company to ring the client and sort things out for him. Never heard from him again.
try this

Well, seeing it's something that has to be paid for and we have no budget, not a chance. I've downloaded the trial but I think it puts watermarks on the end result.

Well the idea behind the concept as far as I have done research is that you enlarge the image pixel by pixel. So lets say you wanted to double the size of the image, enlarge it by going to Image > Image Size and adding 1 pixel at the end, make sure the contraint proportions is checked and bicubic smoother is selected.

e.g. image size is 1280 x 1024. then go to Image > Image Size and type 1281 and click OK.

This is how I understood it, correct me someone if I am wrong. You can create an action that does that and do it several times.
Now how do you deal with that. I had to ring the domain hosting company to ring the client and sort things out for him. Never heard from him again.

Well I think you did the best thing you could. I wonder if he'd take a car back to the dealer he bought it from when it ran out of petrol...? I guess that's the business we are in!
I remember when client gave me a picture of the guy lying prone on the beach and he asked me to turn him upside down ...
Don't know what the rest of you do but I regularly use magic when turning work around - that's how I manage to meet the deadlines on all those projects where design and print is an afterthought to the overall planning process.