Graphic Design Blogs

Pixels Ink

I thought it would be good if folk could post links to any good design blogs they know of. One I would highly recommend is:

Graphic Design Blog

He posts lots of useful information and regularly interviews designers for their insights into life as a Graphic Designer. Currently some good advice on the blog in regards to freelancing.
Thanks for that Col, I was supposed to mention them myself in return for the link they gave to here from their Resources page, forgot all about it :icon_rolleyes:

As you say it is highly recommended and worth a look, Amanda from Truly Ace has a good one too:

Truly Ace Graphic Design Blog

To be honest don't know of many so hopefully some others will post more for me to look at.
Graphic Design Blog

Ha ha, I was just about to say tongue in cheek that...."Truly Ace Blog is pretty good" ;)

But you beat me to it, thanks again!
