Freelance Lauch

Hey! Welcome to the forums,
Your website is nice and clean, shows exactly what you do (Maybe too much white either side for my liking). But good luck.

Should any of your clients need Canvas Prints of their photography please don't hesitate to use to Toppers.
At a quick look it's looking really good! Easy to navigate, gets across what you do well, no issues with the general design. :icon_biggrin:

Thanks Toppers I've actually been looking for a source for canvas printing.

Thanks for the thumbs up Linliloop. Posting my work on this forum is a little traumatizing, it's one of those times that I feel totally out of my league.

does not look first timer at all. in terms of seo - you need to put your address on first page or at least your area (for search purposes). also on ly laptop your phone number is below the line