Ben Ja Min
Hey Guys/Gals,
Hopefully somebody on this beautiful forum can help me (hope you feel more inclined now).
I have been pretty lazy when it comes to fonts, they get downloaded and then quickly chucked into my windows font folder.
I was just really interested to know what you lot do with your fonts in regards to storage etc and what would you recommend? I know you can get software to store certain styles of font together but i really just do not know where to start with it all.
Anything you can throw my way is always greatly received
Many many thanks
Hopefully somebody on this beautiful forum can help me (hope you feel more inclined now).
I have been pretty lazy when it comes to fonts, they get downloaded and then quickly chucked into my windows font folder.
I was just really interested to know what you lot do with your fonts in regards to storage etc and what would you recommend? I know you can get software to store certain styles of font together but i really just do not know where to start with it all.
Anything you can throw my way is always greatly received
Many many thanks