Find and replace for superscript?


Hi All, I am just wondering if there is a way of using 'find and replace' to change all the trademarks and TMs I have in my text too superscript?
Thanks you would be saving me a real pain in the bum job! :):icon_smile:

Find ^d

Change to
leave this blank

Change Format

And choose superscript

Ideally though - create a character style called "TM symbol superscript"

Then in the change format select that character style from the menu.

This will make all the TM symbols that character style - giving you full control over every TM for global changes.

Find ^d

Change to
leave this blank

Change Format

And choose superscript

Ideally though - create a character style called "TM symbol superscript"

Then in the change format select that character style from the menu.

This will make all the TM symbols that character style - giving you full control over every TM for global changes.

Cool thanks :) I thought it was that but I got confused with what to put in the change to box :) Thanks