Filmmaker seeks skill-swap with logo designer

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New Member
I'm a London-based film director making an unfunded short film, due to shoot 25-27 Sep.

I'm looking for someone to knock up a 1-colour symbol-logotype logo for a fake charity.

I can offer my film-making skills in exchange. Maybe you want to make a simple time-lapse video of you drawing something by hand? Maybe you'd like some help with keyframing and animating a logo? Maybe your other half is an actor and needs a showreel cut?

The film is about a woman who is tiring of her job as a charity street fundraiser. In the middle of a grim day, she performs a spontaneous act of kindness, helping a stranger on the street. Her good deed then becomes its own reward.

The logo will feature prominently in the film, which we intend to send to festivals around the world. The crew are all professionals in the industry, and we're doing this as a labour of love. Previous films I've worked on have won prizes at BAFTA-qualifying festivals across Europe, and earned a Student Oscar nomination, so we're very optimistic about the work getting seen.

If this sounds at all interesting, please get in touch!
I wasn't suggesting the work being seen would be a form of payment - so apologies that my post can be read that way. As a filmmaker I've been asked plenty of times if I can work for free "for the exposure," so I know what that feels like! What I should have written is that there's a good chance of the work (ie. this film) reaching a decent sized audience. It's a reassurance that your pixels won't just disappear into the ether.

And yes, I'm serious about the skill swap. I've cut showreels for actors who've worked with me on expenses-only projects, so I'll happily pay back in kind.
Of course - we just get a lot of people asking for free work - and the promise of great exposure in return for the work - which we just won't tolerate.

I think a skill swap is a great idea and if someone is up for it then that's great.
This did catch my eye yesterday, and I am really quite interested but I just don't feel I need someone of your skill-set, I can't think of how I can maybe put your skills to use that would be beneficial to me as a good exchange.

I have done a lot of work like this before in terms of creating a 'fake' but convincing logo for comedy tv shows on the BBC as one example.
Send me a PM or email me – contact [at]

I'm interested in learning more. I don't have a need for your skills just yet, but I guess you could owe me one. ;)
Thanks to Paul for being up for this! I've now found a solution to this particular design problem, so the mods can close this thread.
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