feedback on my first draft for my artwork blog please


New Member
ijb Graphics

This is my first draft for what I want my blog to be like, was hoping for some constructive criticism that I can act on when I overhaul it sometime next week.
I want to get a design i'm happy with before I start posting more substantial examples of my work and at the moment i'm far from happy.
I want to try and gain a balance between a clean, simple design as to not distract from the work and a blog with at least a little personality in the design.

Oh and the logo is shockingly bad, I know, it's just a stop gap as I work on something (hopefully) a little better.
as you identified the logo is pretty iffy!
the thing that strikes me is that that navigation collum is on the left. if there's is some reason for this then fair enough, but otherwise it sits kinda odd with me seeing as most blogs have all that info on the left.
kinda of minor but i find it reads a lot easier :)
I like the negative space ceramic projects, some of the photographs have alot of potential.
I personally think you should rephotograph it in a proper lit studio with a quality camera.
You should probably approach this by getting sharp and clean looking page so your work
does the talking

I think you should try use a very simple theme on
Sign up | Tumblr add then you can edit the HTML to insert your logo.

Good stuff,

Best of luck and I'd be intersted to see how you get on

Hey thanks for taking the time to have a look :)

all opinions and ideas are noted and I shall take them into account when working on a better layout,
anybody else feel like giving me another opinion?

Thanks again guys
The adsense ads ruin it for me. They make it look a bit tacky.

If you absolutely must have it, put it at the bottom, not above your relevant content.

I also feel that the 'I've had n visitors' counter at the bottom is a bit cheesy and dated looking. Set up an Analytics account instead if you want to count visitors.
I think you need to concentrate more on quality content. None of the articles have much text. First impression is that it looks a bit like an auto generated site, which is a real turn off.
In terms of layout, less is more. Think about what you can take away, rather than what you can add.

I'd remove the related post thumbnails and the share buttons from the bottom of posts on the main page and just keep them for the main post.