Duplex Business Cards


Hi all,

I'm looking to get some new business cards made and the ones taking my fancy are the duplex business cards made using 2 colours of GF Smith Colourplan 240gsm board.

I have had a look on Google and there are a few options, but I wanted to know you opinions on printing for my logo.

The logo is pink and grey, and i would want this printed onto the white side of the card. Then on the reverse printed onto the pink card, would be white writing with my details.

Any help is much appreciated.


I realise white isn't printed unless foil blocked, however I wanted to know if there were anyone you could recommend that does duplex cards...?

I could probably get them done with contacts I have from my full time job, but the minimum orders would be quite large.

Thanks for your reply though :D
I could get these done for you but this would be quite a bespoke product so would definately not be cheap. To stand out from the crowd it may be well worth the investment though. Theres a few other avenues you might be able to explore too. Feel free to drop me a mail [email protected] and i'm sure we could find a way to maximise your budget.
Hi all,

I'm looking to get some new business cards made and the ones taking my fancy are the duplex business cards made using 2 colours of GF Smith Colourplan 240gsm board.

I have had a look on Google and there are a few options, but I wanted to know you opinions on printing for my logo.

The logo is pink and grey, and i would want this printed onto the white side of the card. Then on the reverse printed onto the pink card, would be white writing with my details.

Any help is much appreciated.


Hi -
Maybe I can help - feel free to email - David