Design for dyslexics


New Member

I am in the process of putting a college prospectus together and want to avoid using 100% black text on a white background. Each page has a different colour theme on it, but I want to use a consistent off white colour for the background on each page.

Has anyone got any suggestions as to which colour may work well as an off white?

Best wishes
I think yellow or lilac as a off white tint makes it easier to read :) (dyslexic designer here)

Me too :)

Actually each dyslexic tends to have their own colour that works better for them but from what I have learnt amongst other dyslexic mates, green and purple seem to be the easiest
Not diagnosed as dyslexic but I really struggle with literacy so maybe I am or maybe I was just lazy as a kid...

... As said above people find different colours beneficial so maybe try and cover a wide range of pastel tones with some level of organisation. (ie; each department or course having it's own colour or arrange the colours so when flicked through, they create a smooth transition through the rainbow?) Thant way, it works for everyone and looks pretty too. :thumb: