CS4 Design Premium - Education Edition


New Member

My first post and starting off with a software question...

I've been a graphic designer for over 10 years now and started on Mac's, went to PC's for my work in commercial companies and now I am going back to Mac's! Can't wait...

Anyway, I have all the software I need on the PC, but they are all a few years old, so I am looking to get CS4 Design Premium fro the Mac. As you'll know, this is about £1580 from Adobe. I have a chance to buy a second hand version that was bought by a teacher for a hell of a lot less. I trust the source too, so no problems with it not working etc.

My concern is that the student version prohibits commercial use of any kind, whereas the education version doesn;t appear to state that. It also costs more than the student one when new.

Does anyone know if I can use the education one for commercial gain or not? I can't use the student one for sure.

Thanks and hello again!
Hi silverfox, welcome to the forum.

As far as I'm aware, student and teacher discounts may vary, but are ultimately of the same package. In other words, both are the educational version of the suite, therefore an upgrade is needed for commercial publishing.
I looked everywhere on the adobe site for more information, but it's not entirely detailed. I think it's one of those things which is best to ask Adobe over the phone or email for clarification.

There was this: I have adobe creative suite 3 Education.. can I upgrade to normal or do I have to buy it again? - Yahoo! Answers but the person is a student, as opposed to a teacher. But they clearly state that their version had education version printed on their box, which is how I arrived at my theory.

It's ironic though, it states on the adobe site that students in North America are elligible to use the education version for commercial purposes anyway, but I won't tell this person that.:icon_tongue_smilie: Adobe - Education: Student Editions FAQ - North America

Sorry I can't be of more help.