Hi bungle1977,
I am glad that your managing to move on from the swines where you worked before
Lots of people have already seen this cv post but I'll post it on here again as it really is the most usefull surgestion I have (applogogies for banging on those whove seen it before!)
Like you I had spent a long time thinking about what HR people where looking for and whether my cv would upload to sites etc etc bascially all very bloody boring!
I then did a mailer and this is my CV...
Louie Bowers: A New CV
My advice would be really have a think about where your dream job would be and what you would like to be within that job.
From me it was a funny creative person who worked at a company that liked a laugh and produced great work. So I created a brand and all my cover letters, invoices (for freelance work) buisness cards had the same feel.
Have a look at my CV and I hope you'll see what I mean. I know you keep saying that you want to just check content but it should all be styled the same. some one reading your copy should feel that the same person designed the cv. Eg I had silly titles and quirky facts that followed through my cards and cv.
Ulimatly I got lots of resopnses from people because of my CV. I have a full time job now and lots of freelance contacts and one wants to poach me as soon as theyre a bigger company. I have also kept in contact with people and recruitment firms who liked my CV there where a lot! because its personnal and they remember it.
I also wrote quiet a cheaky cover letter to go with emails (i think you could find it in one of my posts about cover letters ) and resized my cv to fit in a a4 print out.
So basically relax and think about what YOU want from a job and the rest is easyish Lol!
I hope this helps