Could do with some help on a How-to..


New Member
Hi everyone, i have just joined the forum in hope of some help with my current project i have on the go at uni and also to learn and see what this forum can offer :icon_smile:.

To the point now...

I am wanting to know if anyone can link me to any decent tutorials of how to create a folded paper effect. I do have a link of a website to show the sort of effect i want to achieve but i am unsure of wether or not i am able to post it on the forum so for that reason.. if you can help me with this and guide me to a link that will help me achieve the effect i am after, i would very much appreciate it. If you would like to see the folded paper effect i would like to achieve then google.. 'Wing Cheng' and click on their site.

Thank you. :icon_smile: