Hi does anyone have any advice with regards to how copyright works if, say I wanted to design something from a photo of a famous artist and vectorise it in photoshop or illustrator so it's my own work, but unequivocally an image of this person, do you need permission from them?
What if they are dead?
The person I have in mind is now dead. It's for a creative invite and I need to know this before I go and do it, in case it can't be used anyway for copyright reasons. It is for display in a public place, where people have to pay to get in, ie. a private venue.
What if they are dead?
The person I have in mind is now dead. It's for a creative invite and I need to know this before I go and do it, in case it can't be used anyway for copyright reasons. It is for display in a public place, where people have to pay to get in, ie. a private venue.