Copyright ownership


New Member
I am looking to reprint a booklet of specialised cartoons by a (now) famous cartoonist that were published several years before his fame took off. The cartoonist died several years ago but he is survived by his widow who, with other members of the family, have given full permission for my reprint.

My question is do the members of the family have the right to give over riding permission on copyright?

The newer famous work (not the cartoons I am interested in) is published in many national newspapers and internationally on the internet. I have tried contacting these publishers but never get a reply.

I can supply more detailed info to anyone who may be able to help,

Thanks, JohnG
I think you would only need to contact the company who printed your booklet previously, unless it's a completely new book you are doing. In which case if you have the family's permission,
your contract would be with them (and they will need paying of course). Other works by the same artist would not be your concern. DACS may be of help to you.
Thanks for your reply, Wardy. The booklet was published in the early 1950's and the publishers of this particular cartoon series seem to have either gone out of business or have been taken over and I have not been able to trace them.
Typically copyright is the owners life-length +70 years.

Even if he only recently died - the copyright won't expire until 70 years after their death.

Technically it would be transferred to next-of-kin, but not always, it could have been transferred to another party.

I'd ask the family for the name of the lawyer who handled the Will and contact the lawyer.