Mike I think your website is excellent.
Very professional, very interesting, and it showcases your work (which is also very good), really well!
Sorry I can't be more constructive with my critique but there is very little I would change. If anything, MAYBE the first page is not that 'grabbing' and doesn't invite me in that well.. I would personally have split it up into different types of work rather than different jobs you've done, so have each panel a different thing i.e. web, print, photography, logo, etc. I say this because your potential customer who lands on this page is going to be looking for a certain type of work, so if they see a big panel that shouts out to them "WE HAVE WHAT YOURE LOOKING FOR!
", they will be drawn in and you can then tailor the next page they see to that particular type of audience - as different audiences will have different needs. It would let the user feel in control as if they are choosing what they see rather than it being shown to them which I think people like and will support the idea of you being able to create what THEY want.
Good luck I hope things go well for you I have no doubt that they will :thumb:
Check out my post in this section and let me know what you think of mine :icon_smile:
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