About to design myself some business cards now that I am setting up a part time freelance business. I am stuck in two minds about whether or not to include a qr code on the business card.
Part of me thinks having it would give the people the opportunity to immediately go to my url rather than putting the card away and it being forgotten about. However, if someone has the capability to scan a qr code, would it really be too much to expect them just to type the info from my business card instead of scanning it?
Then there is the factor of how it will affect the look of my card. I already have a fair idea of how my card will look but quite frankly qr codes are ugly and it is a concern how it would affect the appeal of the rest of the card. Obviously, the qr code would have to be a decent size for it to scan correctly (there are some websites that provide formulas to ensure a higher scanning rate).
Opinions or personal experiences welcome! :icon_biggrin:
Part of me thinks having it would give the people the opportunity to immediately go to my url rather than putting the card away and it being forgotten about. However, if someone has the capability to scan a qr code, would it really be too much to expect them just to type the info from my business card instead of scanning it?
Then there is the factor of how it will affect the look of my card. I already have a fair idea of how my card will look but quite frankly qr codes are ugly and it is a concern how it would affect the appeal of the rest of the card. Obviously, the qr code would have to be a decent size for it to scan correctly (there are some websites that provide formulas to ensure a higher scanning rate).
Opinions or personal experiences welcome! :icon_biggrin: