Brand New Logo !


In a world of Email, Chat and sms, abbreviations are commonly seen in everyday life.

Lol, Rofl, Cba, etc.......

It's what all the cool kids and the youngster are saying these days.

So i tried to capture something like this in the logo, young and fresh, with one of my favourite words.

Anyway that's just me, let me know what you think, no crazy jargon here, Just simple design.

You be the judge, Thanks in advance.

It's nice, but I think I'd like it more if the pink V graphic was lowered in to the actual logo, it's blatantly a V and shouldn't cause any confusion; also it would keep with the feeling of deviation.
Well the whole point of the abbereviation was, it's totally made up of a D a V and an 8,
Deviate. Thought it was pretty qwirky
But i suppose if it's not easily noticed, it's not doing the job,
Hence a poor logo!
Well the whole point of the abbereviation was, it's totally made up of a D a V and an 8,
Deviate. Thought it was pretty qwirky
But i suppose if it's not easily noticed, it's not doing the job,
Hence a poor logo!

If that's what you want to do, you could make that name of your company DV8. And then it wouldn't matter if people get the logo. If you want people to get the logo, make the 8 look more like an 8.