Booklet Design


New Member
Hey everyone. I'm new to the forum and new to design too.

I am designing a booklet as part of some voluntary work and wondered if you could give me advice on my design

At the moment I'm not really 100% happy with it. So some tips here and there would be much appreciated.

Thanks a lot

Front Page

Inner Page1

Inner Page2

Thanks for the quick reply.

I see what you mean. Make it a bit more vibrant. Are you referring to the content pages rather than the cover?
I don't mind the green too much but make sure that you are using CMYK rather than RGB! (Biggest problem I've encountered with web designers!) Don't forget it does have to be readable - not just pretty.
Are you talking specifically or just generally about the readability.

If so what part of this do you have trouble reading?
I'm having trouble reading some of the main bodies of text, as well as the blurb, and the web address at the bottom. I think it's the font.

I like the heading typeface but the actual text I think would look better in a simpler font.

Be wary using gradients a lot too. They can lead to you image looking 'shiny' and things can start to get a bit busy.

All in all it's not too bad to be honest :)
I'm having trouble reading some of the main bodies of text, as well as the blurb, and the web address at the bottom. I think it's the font.)

I agree with the above comments. In addition, maybe if you played about with the fonts you are using or if you cannot change the fonts, then play around with the kerning or the tracking. It's not quite readable at the moment so needs some work to help with legibility.