Hello everybody, I'm new here and this is my first post!
I was just wondering what the general thoughts of body copy design are amongst designers?
I'm designing a website and the new marketing woman has 'stated' that body copy should 'always' be black text on a white background! (I know this company very well by the way, I do all their stuff including the original website)
Obviously I'm well aware that copy should be very clear and easy to read like any decent graphic designer would. I choose the colours carefully to provide enough contrast and of course take into account the typeface choice, tracking, leading, line lengths, etc etc.
Also, I think that black on white works well in print but if there is loads of copy, but I think it can actually be a bit fatiguing on the eyes when staring at a screen which is effectively a light source! I prefer at least a very subtle light grey background to soften it.
What do others think?
I was just wondering what the general thoughts of body copy design are amongst designers?
I'm designing a website and the new marketing woman has 'stated' that body copy should 'always' be black text on a white background! (I know this company very well by the way, I do all their stuff including the original website)
Obviously I'm well aware that copy should be very clear and easy to read like any decent graphic designer would. I choose the colours carefully to provide enough contrast and of course take into account the typeface choice, tracking, leading, line lengths, etc etc.
Also, I think that black on white works well in print but if there is loads of copy, but I think it can actually be a bit fatiguing on the eyes when staring at a screen which is effectively a light source! I prefer at least a very subtle light grey background to soften it.
What do others think?