Beta Testers Needed


New Member

Thanks to Boss Hog for giving me permission to post this....

My names Dave Earley, I've just finished my first year in college in Ireland. During the year I developed a web-bases document management service. The application is now almost finished, but it needs to be tested.

It was originally intended to be an image management system so it has many features which graphic designers, photographers etc. may find useful.

Some feature at a glance :
  1. View edit image meta-data (and many other document types)
  2. Share multiple large files easily (1GB+)
  3. Create mini-sites to share specific documents
  4. Covert and resize an popular image formats
  5. and much more
I would be very grateful if anyone who may be interested would sign-up for a free account and let me know what you think.

The site is Filegoose | Simple Document Management

Thank for taking the time to read.

Hi Dave,

I am signing up for a free account right now.

Without sounding to cheap......will beta tester get an account upgrade? :icon_tongue_smilie:

Will report back in the morning after I have had time to mess around.
Hi Footprint,

Thanks for signing up.

I've set it up so everyone who signs up during the beta period gets the same allowance as the starter plan (with 500mb additional storage space).

Thanks again