Best way to diplay PHP/API feed without iframe?


As the title says, i have got an API feed in PHP and im currently showing it in an iframe across the site, yes i know its not best practice, im now looking to get rid of the iframes due to some people not been able to see it and slows the page load.

Any suggestions?

Thank you
As the title says, i have got an API feed in PHP and im currently showing it in an iframe across the site, yes i know its not best practice, im now looking to get rid of the iframes due to some people not been able to see it and slows the page load.

Any suggestions?

Thank you

You could potentially place it within a div which has a set height with an overflow so that it's scrollable but it may or may not work in ie6. Just an idea though as it certainly get's rid of the iframe.

Hi, thanks for the reply, i will post what i have been asked on another forum that may help better

this is basically the php that i then show on site by iframe as a banner.

PHP Code: <?
$affiliateid = '........'; //Letters and numbers
$trackingid = '.........'; //numbers only
function UrlSigner($urlDomain, $urlPath, $partner, $key){
settype($urlDomain, 'String');
settype($urlPath, 'String');
settype($partner, 'String');
settype($key, 'String');
$URL_sig = "hash";
$URL_ts = "timestamp";
$URL_partner = "aid";
$URLreturn = "";
$URLtmp = "";
$s = "";
$time = time();
$urlPath = str_replace(" ", "+", $urlPath);
$URLtmp = $urlPath . "&" . $URL_partner . "=" . $partner . "&" . $URL_ts . "=" . $time;
$s = $urlPath . "&" . $URL_partner . "=" . $partner . "&" . $URL_ts . "=" . $time . $key;
$tokken = "";
$tokken = base64_encode(pack('H*', md5($s)));
$tokken = str_replace(array("+", "/", "="), array(".", "_", "-"), $tokken);
$URLreturn = $urlDomain . $URLtmp . "&" . $URL_sig . "=" . $tokken;
return $URLreturn;
$request = simplexml_load_file(UrlSigner('', '/V2/productSearch?query=ipod&show_products=1&show_subcategories=0&show_refinements=0&logicalType=and&start=1&results=6&merchantId=', $trackingid, $affiliateid));


<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "">
<html xmlns="">
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" />
<title>Kelkoo iPod Banner Example</title>
<style type="text/css">
body,td,th {
font-size: 12px;


<table width="960" border="1" cellpadding="5"><tr>
foreach ($request->Products->Product as $details) {
$ProductName = $details->Offer->ProductName;
$GridImage = $details->Offer->GridImage->Url;
$Price = $details->Offer->Price;
$Url = $details->Offer->Url;

echo '<td width="160" valign="top" style="border:0;"><a href="'.$Url.'"><img src="'.$GridImage.'" style="float:left;border:0; margin-right:1px;" alt="'.$ProductName.'" title="'.$ProductName.'" height="90" width="90"/></a>'.$ProductName.'<br /><span style="color:#FF0000; font-weight:bold;">&pound;'.$Price.'</span></td>';

//echo '<pre>';
//echo '</pre>';
