Anyone help me here


New Member
im a trainee developer just learning about flat ui

for a project i need a map of the world

can anybody tell me where i might find a psd of this or how i might go about creating one

And images on Google are subject to copyright, like any other image created in the world. Be careful you don't take an image that has copyright that has restrictions on what it can be used for.

I would advise getting a really good stock image account, like Getty Images, Fotolia, istockphoto, and many others out there.

There should be some out there that can provide Vector graphics of a world map with the appropriate license for what you need to do.

You can then open the Vector image in Photoshop and retain it as a Smart Object.

You can then save it as a PSD from there.

Be warned though - saving a Smart Object only retains the vector goodness for resizing within Photoshop.

The image will rasterise on output to any file format - as is the nature of Smart Vector Objects in Photoshop.

The only vectors that can be retained within a Photoshop file are Text Layers, Vector Shapes and Vector Masks - and the only file formats that support output of Vectors are PDF and EPS.

EPS is quite archaic format, and Adobe stated in 2006 that it was only keeping the support for legacy workflows.

For this reason - best to save the files as an editable Photoshop PDF if it's intended for print.

If you think it will only be used on the screen/web then a PSD with layers would be better.

You can always save to PDF after that as long as the Text Layers, Vector shapes and Vector masks are retained in that state.

Note again - smart objects always rasterise to the Native Resolution of your photoshop file.
And images on Google are subject to copyright, like any other image created in the world. Be careful you don't take an image that has copyright that has restrictions on what it can be used for.

Sorry, I misread the original post as being a uni project requiring some inspiration on creating a world map in photoshop. My bad. Copyright and intellectual properties apply to most images on google so, yes, using a stock image site would be the best solution.