Any websites with lots of examples of good logos?


New Member
I am doing my first professional design job; a logo and branding. Can anyone recommend any websites that are a good resource or that could offer inspiration?
My advice - don't look at other logos for inspiration. Go for a walk, read a book, go to an art gallery, watch a film... If your client sells fishing rods, go fishing. The best inspiration comes from the places you least expect. Otherwise you're just pastiching what's already been done.
My advice - don't look at other logos for inspiration. Go for a walk, read a book, go to an art gallery, watch a film... If your client sells fishing rods, go fishing. The best inspiration comes from the places you least expect. Otherwise you're just pastiching what's already been done.

Good advice indeed, though still good to check what others are doing now and again.

Here's a couple more:

Logo From Dreams Awards – Logo inspiration gallery
Logo Nest | Logo Design Gallery
Logo inspiration gallery - Logospire
My logos and favourite source of logos


I have quite a few logos on my site that i have designed (excuse the site i am currently redesigning it - half way done) My logo designer

This is also a good resource especially if you are a fan of 'smile in the mind' clever logos design logo faves
