Am i using the wrong software?!


New Member

Im quite new to graphic design, a few year ago i bought Adobe Photoshop 7 and iv been using it ever since, is there many differnces between the newer photoshops? or am i still okay using Adobe photoshop 7?

sorry if it is a lame question, im new to forums :)

The fundamentals of Photoshop are still the same but the program has advanced so much since Photoshop 7 was released in 2002.

If you're only an occasional Photoshop user, then Photoshop 7 is probably okay, but if you're serious about image editing, then you should at least download a trial version of Photoshop CS5:

Adobe - Adobe Photoshop CS5.1

You can at least see what new features there are in CS5 and whether if you'd make use of them. However, make sure your PC or Mac has enough RAM and processing power.
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You may also wish to consider purchasing vector illustration software to use alongside Photoshop. If you cannot afford Illustrator then consider DrawPlus X5 from Serif. At £81.69 it's very powerful and feature rich for the money. DrawPlus supports many common files formats including PSD, AI and PDF.

DrawPlus X5 from Serif