Advice for finding agency work?


New Member

I'm a graphic designer in Suffolk UK working from home around my 3 year old daughter. I have a set office space and set days in which I'm home to focus on work while my daughter is at playgroup.

As well as my own clients what I'm really looking for is to take on work from an agency. Does anyone know the best way to go about this? I have worked with a couple of agencies before - one that responded to an email I sent to many local businesses which led to a marvelous project but now they've changed direction. The other was a local lady on twitter looking for someone to complete short-notice projects. Unfortunately she was getting them all done in order to sell the business and emigrate!

So whilst the relationships with these businesses was very good and I enjoyed the work, they were not long-lasting.

Can anyone please give me any direction?

Many thanks.
VictoriaAnn Design is online now Report Post Edit/Delete Message
The only way to find outsourced work from agencies is to get in touch with them. Show them what you can do. Direct them to an online portfolio or send them a promotional mailer. If they like what you do you're in a good position. Obviously you can't keep emailing every day asking for work, so you need to make a great first impression and stick in their mind. Show them your best stuff - I suggest a mixture of everything - and wait for them to get in touch with you.
I know a girl who graduated from her degree a couple of years ago, and has actually had quite a bit of luck from recruitment agencies for finding freelance work. I'm not sure if it's agencies or businesses outsourcing their design work (more likely) but you never know, it might be work a look.
Go networking to meet people and people who know people who can be of use. Also though consider setting up a website aimed at agencies directly perhaps offering work on a White Label basis which is what I do with my SEO site.