I'm hoping someone with experience at a senior or art direction level can help me. Back in January, I was talking to my boss about having more projects to do and that got him thinking. About a month later, he approached me about a promotion for a Senior Designer role (I have 21 years of experience, but was hired as a mid-level Graphic Designer about two years ago). I think the transition will be tough. He's already having me do small tasks like reviewing the junior's work, which she doesn't like at all, and a non-designer's work as well. I'm getting the "stink eye" because of this and being labeled as a "know it all." Nobody knows about this promotion but me and my boss (creative director). Maybe it's because my promotion isn't official yet and even though I DO know more about this stuff then anyone else there, I'm still getting isolated (not from everyone, just two or three people). It would be interesting to hear some your stories and how you handled this transition among your peers. Was there friction? If so, how did you handle it? This is really bothering me because I like everyone there. Thank you.
I won't go into too much detail about my past, it is long and boring. But you are correct. Inside every graphic designer is a human, stink eyes, resentment, and being expected to crack the whip all come part and parcel. I personally preferred Art Directing to management. At an old company started out as a junior designer, gained colleague friends, had laughs, and all sorts.
I quickly got moved on to hiring other junior designers and graduates. Personally, I enjoyed mentoring and helping other designers get their foot on the rung. This bit was good. I then climbed up to a more senior level, all good on paper... but the reality.
I made some bad moves myself, some pitfalls I would never have expected. I was too personal and friendly with my team from
before my promotion, this became a millstone for getting people to play ball when needed. Here is what I would expect when moving to your new position:-
- Be likable, but not too likable
- Remember you are working with humans
- Be fair
- Be professional and maintain professional boundaries
- Haters are goner hate, again stay professional and mind your footing, colleagues can be spiteful
- Be polite and understanding
- Accept that you will be lonely - this also helps when you need to make unpleasant choices and help maintain some air of authority. Keep enough distance in other words
- Be prepared to offer diplomatic dressing downs... accept you will get the same from the top
- Wrap your head around your company's picture goals
- Learn from other managers and seniors
- Try not to make enemies to early on!
You will notice managers tend to hang with managers... they, we're were a lonely bunch that can moan about management things. You basically need to make sure people working under you are doing what is asked. Nobody likes being told what to do especially, by friends!