Adobe InDesign project - Easy for the right person.


New Member
Hi all,

I am looking for someone who knows their way around Adobe InDesign to take on a small project for me.

I have purchased a commercial InDesign template and I need it set up a bit differently.

I have written out a full spec which I am happy to send to anyone that requests it.

I am on Skype as STRESSFREEMEDIA which is my preferred way to discuss initially.

Let me know if you are interested :)


I could do that for you - but can only accept payment via paypal.

Let me know if that suits. I'll be available from 7 this evening.

I'll PM you.
Hi Gary,

We can take care of that quite easily for you. Send over the full spec and I'll get a cost proposal out to you ASAP.

SWATT Design Ltd.
Just wanted to post as my post count was on 666 - and that's bad karma right there. Moving swiftly on.