A6 Flyer template


New Member
I'm looking for a AI flyer template online ~ I would make it myself but can never get my head round the measurements.

If i want to print an A6 flyer do I make the document A6 in size, then add a 5mm bleed plus 5mm for content or do I make the document 5mm larger on all sides.

You can open this PDF in Illustrator....

A6 Flyer Template

Basically you are correct, start with an A6 canvas and add a further 3mm onto each edge, this is the bleed area. Most printers like you to keep images and text that are not intended to bleed from the page 5mm in from the trim line, so 8mm in including bleed.

Take a read here for further info...

Stationery-Direct.co.uk | FAQ > Bleed

Hope that helps