A 'nice' serif font?


Active Member
Ok so I love fonts too much, I happily admit this but my passion is sans serif and I very rarely use serifs (unles specifically needed). I have Garamond Pro for such occassions :icon_biggrin: Now i have a job where they speicifically want a serif font. I'm really wanting something very clean and quite thin. Does anyone have any suggestions please?
Do you mean condensed? Or fine..?

Fenice is fine...Joanna, Jensen, Berkley Oldstyle....Berling, Century, Cheltenham - there are loads to choose from! Can depend on what letters you are going to use.

I use Garamond quite a bit!
I use Aldine 721 quite often. The regular weight's got a lovely roundness and heft to the characters. It might not quite fit your needs but I thought I'd mention it because I love it :)