Clean up the grunge, think if this was to be t-shirt printed, they'd struggle with that.
There is a lot you could do with the type to make it fit in better with the overall feel of the logo; at the moment you've used quite a non stylized type but added the grunge effects on top... Why not explore some of the traditional greek-looking typefaces available? I did something similar for a Greek Restaurant Logo it's the 6th one in... I'm not saying it's great but just to illustrate the way you might give this logo an overall look and feel that is more "Spartan"!
If it's possible, could you clean up the edges of the logo like the shield - do you need a shield?
You may want to experiment with serif fonts and perhaps colour?
raw psd file :S
This is not a logo. This is an image with some text.
Saying that, I like how you are colour co-ordinating with the introduction of colour between the image and the text. The text's kerning needs adjusting eg. SAR T AN.
Tracking is a bit too tight.
Whole image needs cleaning up, it's a bit rough around the edges. Way too much drop shadow, too overused. Simplicity and subtlety is key.
Can I ask what a Sartan is? Is that a typo?
Im a bit disheartened to hear you say its not a logo, but thanks for the feed back. I will tidy it up.
On this rare occasion, I disagree that it's not a logo.
A logo, which is an abbreviation of logotype, is from the greek (spartans after all...) which is "logos" which means "word" and "type" which means "imprint", technically, logotype means "word imprint".
Technically a logo can be either text, graphics, or both.
All a logo serves as is an immediate recognition of brand.
Im a bit disheartened to hear you say its not a logo, but thanks for the feed back. I will tidy it up.